Belly Dooooh!
Mofumofu, Doooh!
This fluffy belly ...
It was Asagao-chan.
Because he was squeezing from the tableware that I inadvertently put in the kitchen sink,
From mom,
Punishment of belly mofumofu
He was receiving.
"I'm sorry,"
until now,
Shion-chan and Mokuren-chan,
I don't really remember they are eating in the sink.
Besides, for a while after moving,
Because the kitchen was closed to cats,
I was careless. . .
I wonder if the sea chicken was delicious.
I guess he ate a lot when he was stray. Shinmiri.
It's not because he eat the sea chicken,
After all, Asagao-chan has a loose poop,
It come out twice a day.
As soon as he eat, he will get a little loose poop.
(I'm sorry for this dirty story.)
Asaha-chan is eating only dry now.
Mokuren-chan and Asaka-chan who became Dry food only, November 5, 2019
Mokuren-chan who ate the same thing is probably an ordinary poop.
Now Mokuren-chan has a wet and dry blend.
Mokuren-chan, she has to take a stool test for intestinal flora,
This one doesn't come out when I'm pretty hard. . .
Intestinal flora kit arrived- December 25, 2019
Already, Asagao-chan , will you inspect instead her?
Well, It can't do that.
Living in the same place and eating the same thing is different.
Although it is a cat, it is various.
Speaking of toilets,
They often use the newly introduced toilet in the cat room.
Cardboard again to prevent dirt around the cat toilet January 12, 2020
On the other hand, if you have moved your old one to LDK,
They will not use it at all.
Isn't it bad if the prospect is too good? .
Well, really, cat toilets are difficult.
Toilet newspaper November 22, 2019
Toilets in my home becomes huge September 17, 2019
Shion-chan was worried yesterday and yesterday,
When you bring rampaging cat to hospital, put on gloves and put it on the net -- It was a rampage with the Shion Vaccine as usual― January 13, 2020
It seems that his appetite has returned.
It was good
On the other hand, it is Keika-chan,
She drank periactin yesterday (1/14).
Since the weight has been reduced to 2865g,
Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays- December 23, 2019
My last work day of the year-- December 27, 2019
Cost of cats December 2019 -I was taken care of this year too (with toilet image) December 31, 2019
Asagao-chan was found-- ^^ January 3, 2020
What is the stress of Keika-chan? Coldness? Another cat cry? January 7, 2020
"Uncle and Cat 4"-Active Uncle and Hibinon, January 11, 2020
She ate it yesterday and today.
It was 2910g today.
However, since she peeed after this, it may have decreased accordingly.
You can eat anything with sea chicken---Keika-chan.
(She's eating cat rice, not sea chicken.)
original Japanese version → 悩ましい猫トイレ〜なかなか取れない、腸内フローラ 2020年1月15日