Thank you for always seeing this blog.
This blog started on August 1, 2017,
自己紹介1 2017年8月1日
I've been working every day until today,
As expected, daily updates are difficult every year due to the recent corona turmoil,
I decided to slow down.
Take a rest for a while,
If you go slowly about once a week,
Still under consideration.
I'm sorry if you're looking forward to it (?).
At the same time, we decided to take a short break on twitter.
(I mean,
I'm also caught by a limit I don't understand
I can't like or retweet)
I would be grateful if you can wait until the world and mom settle down.
Fortunately, the cats are fine.
Keika-chan who is blurred.
It's 2985g today and it's a lot more weight! ! !
Today we did without periactin! !
Keika-chan's first periacutin for half a month! April 4, 2020
Keika-chan, it's every day's periacutin. April 5, 2020
Well, everyone, until the day we can meet again.
original Japanese version → お知らせ しばらくお休みorペースダウンします 2020年4月6日