Four weeks have passed since she was discharged.
Keika-chan has stopped eating rice at all. . . August 18, 2019
Keika-chan was hospitalized. Shion's birthday celebration has been postponed. August 19, 2019
I went to visit Keika-chan in hospital. . . August 20, 2019
On the third day of hospitalization, Keika-chan has had a seizure. August 21, 2019
The night without Keika-chan August 22, 2019
She was discharged from the hospital, but ... August 23, 2019
Align new collars for hospital discharge, August 24, 2019
Increase appetite! I examined periactin. August 25, 2019
Cats love stairs August 26, 2019
G measures ect ... August 27, 2019
Keika-chan, one week after leaving the hospital- August 30, 2019
Keika-chan, 2 weeks after leaving the hospital-September 6, 2019
Keika-chan, 3 weeks after leaving the hospital, September 14, 2019
We went to an animal hospital today.
Yesterday, I went to an animal hospital with Shion-chan and Keika-chan today. . .
Shion-chan was a struvite stone (with urine image) September 20, 2019
I had heard over the phone the results of the antiepileptic drug Consave (zonisamide) in the phone.
The blood concentration this time is 16.8μg / ml
It is about the middle of the reference standard range 10-30.
I investigated anti-epileptic drug (zonisamide / diazepam / valproic acid) and blood concentration February 26, 2019
I can still increase the number, said to a female veterinarian who took care of me yesterday.
There was no seizure in the range I was looking at,
(Although there was a doubt, A mysterious puddle appears three times September 17, 2019)
We decided to continue this medicine.
The weight was also slightly reduced to 3.12kg, so it's OK for Keika-chan.
No vomiting or obvious diarrhea since then.
This examination was over soon.
Consave continues, 30 days.
Revisit fee 864 yen
Oral medicine and prescription fee 3240 yen
At least 4104 yen
The problem is that she has to repeat the liver ultrasound.
Just by appointment, you have to go without breakfast,
There are already many reservations on weekends,
I couldn't decide the day to inspect today.
I will check my convenience and make a reservation by calling.
I want to make a quick inspection and clarify,
It ’s scary to understand,
It is a very complicated feeling.
Ne, Keika-chan.
And then, Shion-chan, who worked hard yesterday.
Yesterday was sedated,
X-ray, ultrasound, blood collection, urination, bladder washing, urinalysis,
He was done a lot,
He was very angry,
It looks like he is happy today.
The sample of the therapy meal I got is somehow mixed with the usual rice.
When I asked the veterinarian,
“If you eat only a therapeutic diet, you will have no stones in 4 weeks.”
It seems that it is said.
However, even if it is mixed with other ingredients, it seems to have some effect.
Today is a pouch (wet) therapy meal
Yurinaly S / O Aging
Has been ordered.
1 box of 12 pieces 2786 yen
Today happened to be a day of discounts on rice.
2508 yen
Let's eat and eat well
(There is a urine image below)
Today's pee was also a small lump.
I'm curious that blood is still mixed.
I hope it gets better soon, Shion-chan too.
original Japanese version → 桂花ちゃん、退院して4週間経ちました&療法食食べて欲しい紫苑ちゃん(尿画像あり) 2019年9月20日