Two weeks have passed since she was discharged.
Keika-chan has stopped eating rice at all. . . August 18, 2019
Keika-chan was hospitalized. Shion's birthday celebration has been postponed. August 19, 2019
I went to visit Keika-chan in hospital. . . August 20, 2019
On the third day of hospitalization, Keika-chan has had a seizure. August 21, 2019
The night without Keika-chan August 22, 2019
She was discharged from the hospital, but ... August 23, 2019
Align new collars for hospital discharge, August 24, 2019
Increase appetite! I examined periactin. August 25, 2019
Cats love stairs August 26, 2019
G measures ect ... August 27, 2019
Keika-chan, one week after leaving the hospital- August 30, 2019
She somehow eat rice,
After all, the amount to leave is increased compared to when taking Periactin.
It feels like she went back to hospital before she ate.
I use sprinkles.
There is no vomiting.
Diarrhea is not noticeable, but I am worried because she was a little loose this morning.
(Image is self-explanatory)
In addition to epilepsy consave, she now drink cabedin and diarrhea-stop Diabastar only in the morning.
I was also taking a stomach medicine Gaster, but I left it because it ended on Tuesday.
The periactin I received is for the time being unused.
And today was a hospital.
We just went the day before yesterday and the reception was already in the face pass state. .
Sissy. .
Shion-chan, he had given medicine. September 4, 2019
It was crowded today and waited for over an hour
The stomach medicine is now scheduled to end.
As planned, blood levels of the epilepsy drug (zonisamide) were collected.
The results will come out next week and will be contacted.
When she measured before, the blood concentration was lower.
I investigated anti-epileptic drug (zonisamide / diazepam / valproic acid) and blood concentration February 26, 2019
Until then, we will continue our current dose, so I received more medicine.
Revisit fee 864 yen
Drug analysis test (zonisamide) 9240 yen
Oral medicine, prescription fee 10 days 2160 yen
At least 12264 Yenya.
High blood concentration test---
Keika-chan, who worked hard to collect blood.
Good baby good baby
You were clever today,
To the veterinarian at the animal hospital,
You were praised, "Keika-chan is really healed"
"Healing Keika"
Please call me.
But vet,
"Everyone is intense,"
↑ What about him????
This time,
"Shion calling the storm"
You can name it ?
original Japanese version → 桂花ちゃん、退院して2週間たちましたー 2019年9月6日