This is Asagao-chan.
Asagao-chan and Mokuren-chan are currently
This one I purchased the other day,
I brush their teeth with a toothpaste sheet.
Toothbrush added to water and dental spray October 5, 2019
Baby toothbrush and brushing tissue October 24, 2019
One dental spray is about to end. December 16, 2019
I bought cat goods in Shibuya- February 10, 2020
"You can enjoy toothpaste because of the milk flavor"
It is a product called
If you can brush your teeth happily,
Yes, open your mouth
I'll brush your teeth
"I don't like iiiiiiiiit------------"
They hate it.
The gums are red, right?
Today, I looked again at plaque, tartar, and periodontal disease.
Earlier (歯磨き嫌いにゃ。 2017年10月3日)
This is a detailed picture of a cat's disease, I examined periodontal disease.
This time is this book.
Cat medicine
Supervisor of Shigeo Tanaka
Plaque / calculus
? Cause
Plaque is a mixture of calcium salts and foods contained in saliva and attached to teeth. The calcified plaque is tartar. Soft foods tend to adhere to teeth and become tartar.
! Symptoms
Yellow-white or gray-green deposits are seen on the teeth, and bad breath becomes stronger. If tartar gets between the gums, it can lead to gum inflammation (gingivitis).
+ Treatment
Plaque can be easily wiped off, but if it becomes tartar, it will be removed at the hospital. Cats are relatively hard to tartar.
Because the teeth with tartar are probably accompanied by root inflammation. It must be accompanied by treatment of the roots.
The tartar removal of cats is performed by general anesthesia. Even a quiet cat is impossible without anesthesia. Chewing hard objects can slow down the adhesion of tartar.
Periodontal disease (gingivitis / periodontitis)
Cats have less periodontal disease than dogs. Often accompanied by tartar adhesion.
Cats can't complain to their owners even if they feel pain, and the progression of periodontal disease in cats often accompanies fractures or tooth-absorbing foci, and further progresses to refractory stomatitis Sometimes.
? Cause
The cause may be a fracture or a tooth absorption lesion. The mouth of a healthy cat is clean.
However, if it cannot be maintained, plaque and tartar will adhere.
Plaque is composed of food residues, etc., and it is said that many bacteria are present in it. Calculus, which is calcified by plaque taking in calcium and phosphorus in saliva, has a rough surface, which makes it easier for plaque to adhere.
! Symptoms
Depending on the progression of periodontal disease and the pathogenic bacteria, bad breath, drooling, pain (spitting food quickly, jerky jaws, hating to touch around the mouth), sneezing, blood in saliva And so on. You may hear squeaking noise when opening and closing the mouth.
Gingivitis, in which the gingiva reddens and swells, is an initial condition. As it progresses, the gingiva recedes and the cervix is exposed. When the alveolar bone is absorbed, the roots are exposed and the teeth begin to shake. If it gets worse, the teeth will fall off.
+ Diagnosis / Treatment
It is almost impossible to care for cats with a toothbrush or dental gum at home. If calculus is present, it is necessary to remove it under anesthesia.
In the treatment of mild periodontal disease, in addition to removal of tartar on the tooth surface, removal of calculus and plaque under the gingival margin and root planing to remove dirt in periodontal pockets and smooth root surface . In addition, in order to improve the condition of the adherent gingiva, a subgingival curettage and curettage are performed, and the gingiva is brought into close contact with the root surface and reattached.
After removing the calculus, the surface of the tooth is rough, so plaque and calculus easily adhere to it. Therefore, polishing (tooth surface polishing) is performed to smooth the surface.
"It is almost impossible to care for cats at home with a toothbrush or dental gum."
Oh, my god. Shook.
Also on other pages,
"It is important to make a habit among kittens so that you can observe the oral cavity on a daily basis."
It was written.
Well, it should have been a habit from kittens.
This prince,
Totally mouth,
I won't let you touch it.
"I don't like it"
We have to go as far as we can to the cats we can do. . Tohoho. .
original Japanese version → 猫の歯垢・歯石、歯周病について調べてみましたー 2020年3月7日