The rice was not good yesterday so
See you today
Periactin was added. . .
Increase appetite! I examined periactin. August 25, 2019
Periactin & Bloodshed Catastrophe Again-Constipation and Diarrhea- <Additional notes> September 24, 2019
Periactin again… Is there an effect? October 2, 2019
The interval has become shorter.
I had a week before, but this time it's 4th. .
Dull. . . It looks like ...
It was effective and ate all of today's dry.
I also gave some additions.
But because it ’s an effect of medicine,
I'm worried that I'll be able to eat because of the effect of the medicine.
So the story changed,
Today is a failure story of mom.
This is the cat sand of Keika-chan's room.
This "fine blue"
"Cat sand made from hinoki" is mixed.
"Hinoki cat sand" input, but,,,, May 15, 2019
Yes, it's not over yet, this cat sand. .
Fine blue that has been used for a long time,
Recently, even Amazon has become difficult to get.
This is what I ordered for another cat sand that arrived soon.
Iris Oyama THE Deodorant Cat Sand 5L x 4 Bags (Bulk Purchase)
Amazon 2120 yen
I ordered this because it was cheap,
Actually it wasn't.
(Fine blue comes in 12L5 bags, 5035 yen. 83 yen per liter.
(This is 106 yen per liter)
And if I look closely,
Mineral system? ? ?
Bentonite? ? ?
“The method of treatment after use varies depending on the local government.
Please follow the guidance of each municipality. ”
Minerals ...
burnable garbage?
In our area, the soil does not collect garbage. .
I should buy it after checking it well
Super inadvertently
If I think
I lost the bowl!
Blue one---
We finally bought a new bowl June 11, 2019
I'm sorry--- Shion-chan.
"It can't be helped"
… I ’m really sorry. .
This time,
Moms are making mistakes too.
Although it was originally careless,
I keep going.
I'm tired ...??
I will ask about the cat sand tomorrow by calling the local government.
I'm sorry for today's blog.
good night. .
original Japanese version → 新しい猫砂注文も、、ママうっかりーー 2019年10月7日