Wednesday, July 10, 2019

New shampoo and garbage measures July 10, 2019

It is Keika-chan.

The other day I found it and it wasn't abnormal on the test, bald back.
Mom back, Keika-chan back, mother back    June 22, 2019
Keika-chan, it was the day of the regular visit.   July 6, 2019

As usual, neither good nor bad. .

It's been rainy season recently, and I think it's better to clean it,
It has arrived,
New shampoo.

[Animals quasi-drugs] Fujita Pharmaceutical medicinal chlorhexidine acetate shampoo 200 g

¥ 1203 on Amazon

High. It's so small.
But I was fascinated by the word "animal hospital" and I bought it.

I've got a seizure in May and I'm covered,
Also again, Keika-chan of the attack    May 8, 2019
I was waiting for when I was going to shampoo.

I think this weekend's shampoo for Katsura-chan.

Then I arrived two more

Amazing deodorant bag BOS (boss) Bag that does not smell raw garbage Garbage disposal bag [bag color: white] (M size 90 pieces of packs)
Amazon 1080 yen


Asbell resource waste sorting wagon wide 3 steps 43L beige
Amazon 5173 yen


It has been a problem since it was ahead
Small Flies
Smell of raw garbage

Rainy Star Festival -Sanitation measures during the rainy season-   July 7, 2019
Asagao-chan, I bought a new nail sharpening-- 4th July 2019

It is a measure to

Most of the raw garbage is

Asagao-chan, I bought a new nail sharpening-- 4th July 2019

That's what this cat being left behind.

(Mama will not cook too much, but ,,)

Cat's rice is
Plenty of fat and nutrition.

Hey summer. . .

I will wrap it in this bag for the time being.

Actually I also bought a new trash for garbage,
It has not arrived yet

Only sorted waste bins for resources arrived first.

Keika-chan, please eat as much as possible.

I am shampoo on the weekend.

original Japanese version  → 新しいシャンプーと生ゴミ対策    2019年7月10日

Notice ; Rest for a while or slow down   April 6, 2020

Information. Thank you for always seeing this blog. This blog started on August 1, 2017, 自己紹介1 2017年8月1日 I've been working every ...