This is Keika-chan.
Today's weight is 2920g.
I managed to maintain the 2900g level.
But eating today is not good,
It was not good even if I gave her wet food.
Mummum. . .
Such Keika is
The other day, I finally took her urine test and submitted it.
Urine test is not possible- December 30, 2019
Strategy of beads for urine test of cat ... Misfire? ! (There is a toilet image) 1 January 22, 2020
The struggle for the unexploded beading strategy, urine tests on cats continues (toilet images available) February 3, 2020
At last, the urine test and beads operation were managed successfully (with toilet image) February 8, 2020
The test results were not good,
It contains blood,
It seems that bacteria were also contained.
Does she have any symptoms,
Asked the vet.
(Or cystitis?)
"I can't think of urine.
When I take urine in a urinalysis,
I also had stool together. "
If you answer so,
"Because of the echo test on the 23rd,
Please take another urine by then. "
One more time?
Oh, I took such a hard time. .
Well, of course, I thought that urine that might have gotten a stool would be useless,
I gave it out at no good place, but hey.
Although it looked cloudy, it didn't look so.
After all it was useless. .
Sorry. . .
The urine test fee of ¥ 2200 has been wasted.
I also got a syringe and spitz for testing.
It seems to retake it, Keika-chan.
"I don't know."
I wonder if I will have urinalysis again this weekend.
I can't get to the veterinary clinic days when I work. . .
But she does not so sick as I take a break. .
Hmm. .
I am troubled. . .
Eat rice for the time being.
original Japanese version → ビーズ作戦やっぱり失敗でした。。尿検査・再検査です。 2020年2月12日