This is Keika-chan.
At last,
At last,
I got a urine test! !
It was long. .
Urine test is not possible- December 30, 2019
Strategy of beads for urine test of cat ... Misfire? ! (There is a toilet image) 1 January 22, 2020
The struggle for the unexploded beading strategy, urine tests on cats continues (toilet images available) February 3, 2020
The operation of the toilet with beads managed to succeed.
(Not a duo singer)
It was isolated from the gauge from the morning.
It is isolated until you pee with a toilet with beads.
"I want to come out."
I left it dry and ate it all the time.
Dinner is wet.
Recently, this is Kalkan tuna 18 years old.
She eats quite a bit.
The weight is 2945g, which is reasonably good.
You can spend your time in the gauge like this,
At night,
He peeed on the beads toilet
(There is a toilet image below)
For some reason. . .
Hmmm ...
This is not a beautiful pee,
It is a bit subtle whether it is suitable for inspection.
Let's take it and submit it for the time being.
When tilted, urine collects in the corners.
You suck this with a syringe.
This is difficult!
If you tilt the toilet, the beads will also move to the corner together,
I have to keep it down.
Tilt the toilet, keep the beads from coming in, use a syringe,
I don't have one more hand---
I managed to suck urine with a syringe.
Put it in Spitz and you're done.
The animal hospital is over,
Put it in the refrigerator and submit it tomorrow.
Good work
Good luck.
original Japanese version → やっと取れました尿検査・ビーズ作戦なんとか成功(トイレ画像あり) 2020年2月8日