We are bathed in a soft morning sun.
It ’s curled up.
Now, Keika-chan is
She drank Periactin this morning.
She lost her weight to 2905g yesterday.
Periactin is
She was on week 1 but
She ’ve gone up to the pace twice a week. .
Keika-chan, how was you today? December 5, 2019
The plywood was cut November 30, 2019
The medicine worked and ate.
I wonder how it is forced to eat with medicine,
I want you to eat it if you can eat it. .
The therapeutic meal of Keika-chan that I ordered was delivered.
Hills' Prescription Diet ™ (Special diet) <For cats> k / d ™ KDDY Early Assist Stew with Chicken & Vegetables Canned
It seems that the early assistance was new and the price was not clear.
For the time being, 10 cans have arrived.
One can is 236 yen.
Discounted 2242 yen.
Although it was not found on Amazon, it was sold on Rakuten.
[Hills] Kidney Care for Cats k / d Early Assist Chicken & Vegetable Stew Canned 82g
One can 182 yen.
I wonder if this is cheaper even if it's different by shipping cost?
I'll buy it at Rakuten this time.
Let's try it for a while, Keika-chan.
original Japanese version → 桂花ちゃんにも療法食届きましたよー 2019年12月8日