It is Mokuren-chan.
It is Shion-chan.
The cardboard house I got from my mom who collapsed the other day
"I love fish"
Mom's Mother Attacks with May of Midsummer May 25, 2019
A new bowl has come, but? May 29, 2019
Japanese dogs are all eight weeks old as well as Western dog species and agreed ??? May 30, 2019
It was broken again, so
I rebuild it back again ,,,
Finally they came in!
I can see some sort of white object.
It's all a good time.
Gaji Gaji. .
Actually this is
When I try to wipe her dirty face, she run away.
"Yoooooouuuu seeeeee meeeeeee"
Yes yes
"Housekeeper saw" (or housekeeper's Mitazono?) Pretend is end-
Let's use it carefully--
original Japanese version → 本日大漁〜やっと遊んでくれた段ボールハウスは崩壊寸前〜 2019年6月3日