Monday, April 1, 2019

New year, new name of an era, unchanged everyday April 1, 2019

It is a new year issue "Reiwa", Keika-chan!

"Hmmm ..."


A new name of an era  has been decided.

Is it? .

On my PC, kanji conversion doesn't go smoothly.
Will you remember it over time?

Furthermore, it started in the new year from today.
After I changed my work environment a little in January, there was no move in April.
I left two people from my current department in March.
It will be a little while after the maternity leave comes back, but if you think it's minus 1
It turns out that I will quit in May again today (!),
It became the new year start of the storm.

My salary won't change, I'm getting more work, I'm gonna quit, ...

I want to quit now-I'm sorry!


Oh dear,
Because it is a new year
A different meal than usual

"Nyan ?!"

"Different meal ?!"

"I want it"

"You'll make it fast"


While being rushed by Prince Shion,

Here, I left only one bag,
Royal Canaan FHN-WET Ultra Light For Cats

Add the usual Felix to it,

"Pak Pak, delicious!"


It was quite popular.

For Keika-chan and Asagao-chan, click here.
Shiba (Sheba) Amuse for aged cats 18 years old or older Fish fillet soup More fine fish Soft-tailed fish 40g × 12 bags [Cat Food ・ Wet]

Until now Katsura-chan's dinner has always been this,
I became ill with seizures and diarrhea at the end of February,
I did not eat this soup.
This time I will go on a trip to find rice with Keika-chan    March 8, 2019

So I left a lot.

If I give it up after a long time and wonder if she will eat it,

she ate it!

By the way, today weight 3.045 kg
It was 3.040 kg last time (Keika-chan, how about new dry?   March 29, 2019), so it would be fine to just add a little?

Nice to meet you, Katsura-chan.


Asagao-chan too, Shiba's soup, is divided into a part.

Unusually, get down under the gauge,

I'm intimidated. .

But he ate it without running away.

This soup is soft and easy to eat,

There are few calories,
10 kcal per 40 g

I feel like I'm using it for adding snacks and moisture to eggs.

That's why

Even if the year changes,

Even if the name of an era  has changed (yet),

I think my home wants to spend the same everyday.

Thank you again this year.

original Japanese version  → 新しい年度、新しい年号、変わらない日常    2019年4月1日

Notice ; Rest for a while or slow down   April 6, 2020

Information. Thank you for always seeing this blog. This blog started on August 1, 2017, 自己紹介1 2017年8月1日 I've been working every ...