Saturday, March 23, 2019

Nail sharpening measures fourth ・ corrugated board-work continuance- March 23, 2019

She is my home idol, Mokuren-Chan.
Mokuren-chan, Idol debut?   March 19, 2019

Well, like this

I think she likes the high place.

Something like that,
She looks like the statue of a mermaid princess in Argentina or somewhere.
(Parent stupid)

It has not come down easily.

Today continues yesterday (Keika-chan: A spiral staircase in a cardboard box  March 22nd, 2019)
Cardboard work

Continued to the last time (The third countermeasure against nail sharpening · Restarting corrugating work -     March 10, 2019),
In the nail sharpening measures
It is a continuation of putting the cardboard in front of the wallpaper of the stairs.

History of nail sharpening measures here →
壁に爪研ぎしてしまう木蓮ちゃん。。。orz    2018年11月10日
壁の爪研ぎ対策パート2・コルクボードはどうでしょう?  2018年11月16日
壁の爪研ぎ対策続き・壁紙保護シートはがれちゃう  2018年11月21日
爪研ぎ対策第3弾・やっぱり段ボール 2018年12月9日

It is from the continuation of the last time.
I do not know when I can do this kind of work on holidays, so I do not know when I can do it.

If you think so,

Thank you for your troubles.

Because it's dangerous, please go there.

All you have to do is cut the cardboard with a cutter, line it up with gum tape and stick it.

Oh, this is

It's dangerous.

I will put the approximate position of the cut cardboard, and then paste it.

Shion-chan also appeared.

He has a tough check

30 minutes to work silently.
(I am not good at such three-dimensional work.)

It turned out to be something like this.

He also liked this.

It is good for cardboard, durable and easy to process, light and easy to move,

It is a problem that it is likely to peel off.
It is likely to fall down unless something is heavy.

Can you make this kind of anti-abrasive wall protection cardboard like a cardboard supplier?
White guy, guy with handle. . .

Would I like to request a contractor ,?

Hey, Mokuren-chan?

. . . . .

original Japanese version  → 爪研ぎ対策第4弾・段ボールー作業続きー  2019年3月23日

Notice ; Rest for a while or slow down   April 6, 2020

Information. Thank you for always seeing this blog. This blog started on August 1, 2017, 自己紹介1 2017年8月1日 I've been working every ...