Today is 8 years since the Great East Japan Earthquake.
Is it already 8 years?
Last year I read this book.
"I am a story of a small life that disappeared in the Great East Japan Earthquake that turned into the sea"
3.11 Animals also appeared on March 11, 2018
I read this book this year.
Starting grandmother blush, keep a dog
Author: Nico Nicholson
"I thought that it would be a fun dog essay of a family of Futu, but different from what I thought"
The author is Miyagi prefecture, the parents are affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake.
Her mother and grandmother who were in house at the time, they were hurt by the house every tsunami,
Their house was rebuilt on the original land.
Works painting a variety of hardships until rebuilding
Nagasarail ietateil
When they finally started living at the house they rebuilt,
her grandmother who had suddenly blurred due to the earthquake became dementia,
In the house that they rebuilt for my grandmother, she drew a picture of struggling home care
My grandmother living with my grandmother of dementia
And, this "Starting grandmother blush, keep a dog"
Although the publisher is different, it was an experience essay manga of the family who can read as trilogy.
"Starting---" is covered in the second half of "My grandmother".
Her mother, who wanted to keep a dog from the time they built the house, got tired of grandmother 's care and got a dog from her uncle.
Although the author seemed to expect animal therapy effect for grandmother,
A peculiar place stretched, it became a pretty problem dog of coarse fighting,
Together with imagination and living with a different dog, and even grandmother's progress of dementia,
Everyday they're stuck will be sent. .
She doubt the coarse grandmother's home was of my grandmother but of dogs ,,,
Her grandmother's clothes are thrust into the toilet bowl, and her grandmother's doubt as dog's work ,,,,
Manga which feces come out here and there is also unusual. .
Regarding animal therapy, the times when we watched animal therapy at the end in the extra edition are recorded, and Tooru Oki of the International Therapy Dog Association gave a comment.
An animal therapy doggers wish they did not get around.
I did not jump around like that and it was soooo talented
However, even if not being disciplined, when a dog and a cat stay together, there is an effect to heal.
Also, the reason I decided to keep a cat was that earthquake if I followed the former.
That earthquake shook me a lot in my daily life.
I think that people do not know when to die, I thought about my life that I do not want to die alone as it is.
And I started Kon-katsu,
Greatly losing all orz ...
I will give up on marriage with humans,
I had a cat in my family.
That was it, Shion-chan.
after that,
Asagao-chan ,,,
Steadily? The family increased.
Nico's mother is age same as my mother.
Perhaps Nico is also my age.
(My mother is also giving me a fairly young age)
Although being touched even while working, pets do not substitute for grandchildren.
I surely will not change the feeling that I am sorry that my mother can not show my grandchild's face.
I do not know how many years to live, but until I die I will regret that "I wanted to get married, I wanted a child," "Why was it a meaningful life?"
Every day, as well as this comic book, it is everyday that we are swayed by cats who do not know what they are considering, going out and running.
I am glad that I became families with my cats.
I think.
If you wish, everyday this monotonous and monotonous day will continue forever.
To all the victims and pets of the earthquake, pray for prayers.
original Japanese version → 3.11 「婆ボケはじめ、犬を飼う」読了 2019年3月11日