Three consecutive holidays from tomorrow (from today)〜
That's why my work has not ended so much, it has become such an update of my time.
In addition that it may snow!
"I hate cold"
Actually, my mother was planning to come and stay from tomorrow,
I bought blankets etc in Nitori on the way back from work.
But as forecast it will be canceled if it is snow. đŁ
In that case, as I will withdraw to home,
I also bought various food items.
With Nitori like this, I bought the impulse, here.
Tea bowl and chopsticks.
It is a cat pattern. .
As cats' goods increase no more, I'm bad, so I thought 'I will not buy anymore'
ç´ŤčçĺäťççŤăĄ&ăŠăăŠăĺ˘ăăçŤă°ăăş 2019ĺš´1ć6ćĽ
I missed my tea bowl and used a tea bowl that my mother should use, so I thought it was my mother's part ,,, (excuse)
It is a simple black cat.
Chopstick restraint is cute.
It is a nice feeling. .
(Separately I am not a coward of Nitori)
Then I bought groceries at the supermarket here.
"Pri Katz"
Black cat 's white wine.
It seems like a kittens mean.
It is sweet but refreshing and easy to drink.
(Where to abstain from a diet ,,,,,)
At the moment there is no loser with liquor from a cat.
ć°´ććĽăŽăăł 2017ĺš´9ć15ćĽ
Although preparations for omission are all right,
It is best if it does not snow tomorrow. đ
Stay away from the worry of such mum, please go to Shion-chan who is crazy under heating.
It seems that you liked it as it is, as a toy you got.
"Nyan-guard" I tried hard and assembled alone. January 26, 2019
original Japanese version → ăăăăćşĺăŤăăŁăąăĺ˘ăăçŤă°ăăş 2019ĺš´2ć9ćĽ