This is Asago-chan.
He's a little tired.
The reason is later.
By the way, we introduced yesterday,
Ezaki Glico's「#かくれねこ選手権」( #Hidden Cat Championship) is also being supported! but,,,? February 19, 2020
#Hidden cat championship
Hashtag called.
Glico is doing
Hidden cat Nyanpaign
Was part of
If I look closely at HP,
Note that
You can post any number of times during the campaign period. However, the post count is limited to one post per account
Does this mean that you can only donate once from one account? ?
No matter how many times I post, can I only donate once?
Does it make sense to post every day? ?
I contacted Glico.
<I have an inquiry about the Hide and Seek Championship.
"You can submit as many times as you want during the campaign period, but you can count only one post per account."
What does that mean?
Does it mean that you donate only 22 yen for 3 submissions?
Would you like to be able to post many times? Or could you consider increasing the limit? >
I got a reply right away.
To get as many customers as possible,
Even if you post multiple times with one account,
Our donation to Kobe “Animal Protection Support Project” is 22 yen.
Also, share your feedback with the person in charge,
We will respond appropriately.
Thank you for your valuable feedback.
We look forward to Glico products.
That's right.
Sorry. . .
But I think it is a very good campaign.
Glico, I support you.
Please do your best.
By the way, why is Asagao-chan unusually tired,
Nekoichi Catch Me If You Can 2
キャッチミーイフユーキャン2好評!&猫壱に問い合わせ 2018年10月9日
Fortunately, it seems to be very popular for Asagao-chan.
I mean,,,
forever and ever,
forever and ever,,,
He's playing.
"I'm tired."
Was you fun? good for you.
Because Asagao-chan was originally stray cat,
You probably never played with toys.
original Japanese version → 「#かくれねこ選手権」についてグリコから返信きました&ちょっとお疲れの朝顔ちゃん 2020年2月20日