Friday, April 26, 2019

Prince Shion, Gabriel from brushing! April 25, 2019

I'm Prince Shion.

My prince 
hates all sorts of care.

"What's more about being rude?"

But the only thing you can forgive is


I'll give it away here.

How is it, prince?


"It is quite good"

It looks like it feels so good.

Good luck.


If I brush,



AUUUUUCHー ー ー ー! ! !

I was awful, I was bitten. .

It's not terrible-prince!

"Good rude person already"

"Tell it for dinner"

He felt great feeling until a while ago. .

"The rest is fancy."

My prince's fancy is not something that has just begun.
ロシアン王子のご機嫌うかがいは難しいですよ  2018年10月5日
紫苑王子豹変〜食前⇄食後〜 2018年1月21日

I'm sorry. . .

original  Japanese version → 紫苑王子、ブラッシングからのガブリ!  2019年4月25日

Notice ; Rest for a while or slow down   April 6, 2020

Information. Thank you for always seeing this blog. This blog started on August 1, 2017, 自己紹介1 2017年8月1日 I've been working every ...