Today the wind was strong.
If you go shopping without careless masking ,,,,,
That was a terrible thing, already,
With hay fever ,,
My cats do not seem to have hay fever, so it is enviable.
My favorite home and tax payment. (From Furusato choice)
Recently returned goods became a problem, rates declined, etc. There are various,
I am donating various kinds of bread to brown rice.
My staple food is covered by my home tax payment. No, really.
But, for a while from Peace Donko's case, I was suspicious of supporting my animal welfare activities by my old hometown tax payment.
ピースワンコジャパンに警察が 〜殺処分ゼロの難しさ〜 2018年12月16日
I wonder if I truly believe that I am doing an animal welfare activity properly.
Can cooperate with zero killing at home and tax payment in Nagoya city,
Well, I decided to donate.
Although there is no return item, it seems that the donated tax will be used for transfer to dogs and cat owners housed in animal protection center.
There is also an entry in HP of animal protection center in Nagoya city,
Support donation seems to be also being recruited.
It may be possible to donate to the direct protection center!
So, I tried donating.
I think that it is very good to be able to specify the use of tax.
It is money I pay, so I want to use it as I like. . .
I hope the dogs and cats in Nagoya City will be happy. . .
My hometown tax payment has been told, but since it is recommended, please try it.
I would be happy if the amount of such animal welfare designation donation increases more.
After seeing the site,
There were also donation destinations for reconstruction to 3.11 and others.
Another 8 years ,,,
I think,
Since the net environment has developed so much and the final tax return can be done on the net,
Can not people directly vote via the net to decide the law and budget?
I vote for the bill submitted on a monthly basis and decide by voting against voting.
I'm dozing off from a parliamentarian.
I feel like I can do it if I use salaries for that.
Well if you let the bureaucracy go on agenda.
And the minister will be the top of the bureaucracy.
Also, why do not you choose the president directly by election?
Is there any problem with security?
Well I will not go through the current Diet session with the bills that I am going to head.
original Japanese version → ふるさと納税でもう一度殺処分ゼロに・愛知県名古屋市 2019年3月9日