Close to the transfer station on the way back to where I got work today.
I heard that there is a coffee shop that protects the cat and is looking for the owner, so I tried to get down a little rainy road.
I heard that there is also signboard dog in the coffee shop, I tried to go there ,,,
Open the door ,,,
Smell the cigarette! ! ! !
It was already smoking a room with smoke! ! ! !
Four people who seem to be regulars are smoking a cigarette, and the wallpaper on which the printed pictures of dogs and cats are stained is yellowish and discolored. . .
I shut the the door and thought whether I would turn back to the last but,
When I listened to food, I ordered cafe au lait just that there was only toast.
Shooting in the shop is said to only be a dog ,,,,
Expecting dog was just asleep this way.
Well it looks like a very long year.
But when regulars say, I will raise my face,
It seemed to embody the rule of this store as "refusing a glance". .
It is not the air that you can ask very much about the owner recruitment of the protected cat (as a matter of fact),
It quickly diverged.
I am a human being with little inquiry.
With no sense of direction in tone dealing, I am weak in the morning and weak in the morning, lack of sociability, I aam not good at communication, memories are scarce and many things left behind.
Such my few skill (characteristics)
Sensitive to smell,
After hay fever 10 years ago, because my nose was packed well, it did not matter,
Before I was concerned about my body odor, I bought my favorite perfume and had a hobby.
Now I came to keep a cat and I also go to a cat cafe so it almost got disappeared.
Still, I think that I am a fairly sensitive person for smell.
I was a little worried whether I smell when I decided to keep a cat.
When I first visited Shion-chan 's meeting at Breeder' s, I was anxious about the smell of the house.
Actually keeping it, I did not mind the smell of cats except when in the toilet.
If you snugly embrace and empty your face in the stomach, you will smell a little, if you smile a bit (even if you bring it closer to human beings)
Rather rather being clothed after taking off and being snacked, I am curious about this. .
"Do not smell"
That's why ,,
Very sensitive to the smell of cigarettes
I am sorry for smokers, but ...
In the second year of college,
"About harmful substances contained in tobacco"
We released the report at once.
In my parents house, my grandfather and my father were smoking cigarettes.
My grandmother was the same as me and was sensitive to the smell, so I did not allow my grandfather to smoke in the house, my grandfather always stood at the front door and smoked.
I did not like being touched by my father when I got on a car.
Such a father suffered a myocardial infarction while sleeping, suddenly died ,,,
One of the reasons I moved in this time,
A man from the next house sucked cigarettes on the veranda and its sidestream smoke flowed to us.
It seems like I was smoking on the veranda because there is a small child ,,,
Do not let others (= me and cats) suck harmful substances that such children can not smoke! !
"I smelled cigarettes in the front"
I will speak with a big voice.
Tobacco is hundreds of dangerous and has no interest.
If you search for "tobacco harmful substance", Google teacher will teach a lot.
Of course, it is fine because the person sucking oneself is a self-responsibility to choose by themselves to be lung cancer, myocardial infarction or COPD.
(To treat in the range of paid insurance premiums)
Do not smoke if you keep a pet! ! !
Also for dogs and cats,
Tobacco is hundreds of dangerous and has no interest.
Personally, I think that this is also animal cruelty.
Children can not choose parents.
(I could not choose it)
Pet owners can not choose.
Even if you do not smoke directly in front, you can understand smokers by smell.
The harmful substances accumulated in the body gradually come out in the expiration.
If you keep a pet, stop smoking.
If you want to quit smoking, I recommend you to treat medication for nicotine now -
original Japanese version → 【番外編】犬と猫とタバコと 2019年2月19日