Friday, February 1, 2019

Asagao-chan that just sounded a throat & a humidifier that leaked out February 1, 2019

It is Asagao-chan.

He give me an ass.

Well, it is already February.
It's too early.
One twelfth of a year has gone wrong. .

Asagao-chan I thought that it would be cold,

I bought a towel I bought for 100 yen,

It was dropped down by haste.
TT ,,,,

It is a Asagao-chan that I feel accustomed to,
(It is not nice, not)

After all, when the eyes meet, he intimidate "sharrrrrrrrrrrr".

In front of the rice, he will prompt me with rubbing his head over the gauge.

If I give him rice, the probability that mama will be next to him has increased more than before.
It is not necessarily.

Eating, eating.

The grandchild's hands'  strategy continues to be patient.

At the beginning he went to the back of the room and stretched out my grandson's hand, which seemed a bit annoying,

It seems that the feelings gradually become better,

"Ah, here too"

"Do also this one"

"Ear too"


"Feel good"


At this time it is faintly,
Rumbling roared his throat.

After all it seems pleasant.

The goal is to come into direct contact, taking him to an animal hospital and hitting a vaccine, but the road seems to be far away.
Well, when will it be, how long can we get there?

Oh yeah, an air purifier / humidifier that I bought for Asaoka 's room,

アイリスオーヤマ 加湿空気清浄機 花粉 PM2.5 除去 ~10畳 HXF-A25

It started to leak out!


Leakage from somewhere ~

I have not bought two months yet ,,,
冬なのに、真夏の陽気、どうすりゃいいの?(字余り)  2018年12月4日

I will call Iris Oyama.

original Japanese version  →少しだけ喉を鳴らしてくれた朝顔ちゃん&お漏らししちゃった加湿器くん  2019年2月1日


Notice ; Rest for a while or slow down   April 6, 2020

Information. Thank you for always seeing this blog. This blog started on August 1, 2017, 自己紹介1 2017年8月1日 I've been working every ...